Marketing: It All Starts With Your Customers

Marketing Strategy: It All Starts With Your Customers A common mistake when marketing using Digital channels, is not to really think about “Who is my customer”. As a typical example – “Wheely Good Cycles” (fictional) define their customer...

What is a Chat Bot? Does my business need one?

Whats a Chat Bot? Do I need one for my Business?Clarifying and debunking Chat Bots – with Use Cases. A chat bot, is a piece of software, that can engage directly with people depending on how a visitor reacts or what they type. For example, you might visit a page...

How Effective is your Website? : Website Health Check

It can be hard to know right? In this post, we look at items to look for in your website to make sure your website is effective, secure and looks great on different screens. Is your website mobile friendly / responsive When you view it on  your phone – does it...

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